LIDO Terminology Recommendation

The Terminology Recommendation document is part of the LIDO accompanying documents. For a number of schema elements and attributes, it contains links to recommended terms from the LIDO Terminology, or suggests the usage of descriptors from other linked open vocabularies, such as the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), Union List of Artist Names (ULAN), or Wikidata items.

The Art & Architecture Thesaurus® is the most elaborate and reliable source for indexing in the cultural heritage domain. Therefore, whenever possible, a link to suitable AAT terms for a LIDO element or attribute is provided. The link leads to the top-most concept of an AAT hierarchy serving as an access point to a list of appropriate subordinate descriptors that can be perused. AAT vocabulary items referenced by their URI are suitable for processing in any Linked Data application or environment.

The Terminology Recommendation document complements terminology or format proposals in the set of Getty Editorial Guidelines, including Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA), and Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO).

LIDO was originally introduced for the purpose of harvesting and merging metadata from local catalogs. The release of these terminology recommendations addresses the difficulties arising from a lack of alignment between users of the LIDO schema. To this end, the principal goal of the terminology recommendations is to achieve consistency in indexing not only within an institution, but also across portals and aggregators. Such consistency is expected to have a profound impact on retrieval quality with respect to both, recall and precision, and on the reliability of search results in general. Moreover, since LIDO is intended for delivering metadata to portals of aggregated resources, as well as exposing, sharing and connecting data on the web, interoperability is a major quality issue.

This document is expected to be updated and extended with further usage recommendations.



Terminology recommendations

For the Attribution Qualifier Actor element choose a concept URI from the attribution qualifiers hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Category element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Category Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

Recommended values for the Classification element: Controlled vocabulary.

As of December 2021, there is no published classification scheme to broadly categorize cultural and natural heritage objects that meets Linked Open Data requirements. The Getty Research Institute is using a local, extensible list of descriptors for object classification, published in Cultural Object Names Authority (CONA) Editorial Guidelines, section Classification, especially subsection " List of Classification Terms". However, these terms are not available as Linked Data.
Universal classification systems, such as the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) or the Universal Classification (UDC), are not amenable to Linked Data processing.


Terminology recommendations

For the Culture element choose a concept URI from the Styles and Periods hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Event Actor element choose a concept URI from a linked open authority files, for example, one of those aggregated in VIAF or in Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

For the Event Method element choose a concept URI from the Functions hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Event Place element choose a concept URI from a linked open authority files, for example, one of those aggregated in VIAF or in Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

For the Event Type element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Event Type Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Extent Actor element choose a concept URI from the Components Hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Extent Materials/Techniques element choose a concept URI from the Objects Facet hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Extent Measurements element choose a concept URI from the Objects Facet hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Extent Subject element choose a concept URI from the object portions hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Format Measurements element choose a concept URI from the format hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Gender Actor element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Gender Actor Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Measurement Type element choose a concept URI from the size/dimensions by general type hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Measurement Unit element choose a concept URI from the size/dimensions by unit hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary, such as Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

For the Nationality Actor element with type cultural or ethnic affiliation choose a concept URI from the styles, periods, and cultures by region hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus. For Nationality Actor with type attribute country of affiliation or citizenship, use a concept URI from a gazetteer, such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names, GeoNames, or another linked open authority file, for example, one of those aggregated in VIAF or in Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

Values for the Object Type element may be determined by application profiles.

For the Object Type element referring to Collection choose a LIDO Term URI from the Object Type Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Object/Work Type element choose a concept URI from the Objects Facet hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Period/Style element choose a concept URI from the Styles and Periods hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Place element choose a concept URI from a linked open authority files, for example, one of those aggregated in VIAF or in Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

For the Place Classification element choose a concept URI from the administrative bodies, the landscapes hierarchies of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary, for instance, from Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

For the Qualifier Measurements element choose a concept URI from the Attributes and Properties hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Record Type element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Record Type Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Related Work Relationship Type element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Related Work Relationship Type Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Repository Name element choose a concept URI from the ISIL- and Library Codes Agency or a linked open authority file aggregated in VIAF, or in Wikidata.


Terminology recommendations

For the Resource Perspective element choose a concept URI from the views (visual works) hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus; namely concepts beneath the guide terms images by vantage point or orientation and images by method of representation, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Resource Type element choose a concept URI from the following hierarchies of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, respectively: information forms, visual works, especially the photographs hierarchy, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Rights Type element choose a concept URI from the following hierarchies of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus: intellectual property, copyright/licensing statement, or licensing, as appropriate, or another linked open vocabulary.

Note that recommendations for vocabularies may vary from country to country as the applicable legal concepts depend on national legislation. Recommended standardized statements on copyright, usage, or access rights, in particular for metadata and resources, are available at Creative Commons Public Domain Tool, Creative Commons Licenses, and Rights Statements.


Terminology recommendations

For the Role Actor element choose a concept URI from the following hierarchies of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, respectively: people by occupation, people by activity, people by degree of qualification, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Role in Event element choose a concept URI from the following hierarchies of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus: Events, Associated Concepts, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the LIDO Scale Measurements element choose a concept URI from the scale (relative size) hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the Shape Measurements element choose a concept URI from the shape (form attribute) hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.

See also examples and recommendations in CDWA 6.9. Shape – EXAMPLES and TERMINOLOGY/FORMAT.


Terminology recommendations

In general an authority file with hierarchical structure, cross referencing, and synonyms is recommended.

For the Subject Actor element choose a concept URI from Union List of Artist Names, Library of Congress Names, or another linked open authority file, for example, one of those aggregated in VIAF or in Wikidata.

For fictional, religious, mythological, or legendary characters you may find appropriate concepts in the Getty Iconography Authority (IA) under the Legend, Religion, Mythology Facet, or under the Guide Term Miscellaneous Characters. Note that a Linked Data RDF representation is not available as of December 2021. However, IA identifiers can be used for indexing, indicated as Local identifier, pending future URI assignments.

For indexing actors in the context of iconographical narratives, URIs from ICONCLASS may be used. Note that ICONCLASS is a classification system, primarily designed for hierarchical browsing and less suitable for post coordinate retrieval. Main features of controlled vocabularies, such as controlling synonyms, variant names, and homonyms, are not elaborated. This may impede retrieval quality, particularly in aggregation environments.


Terminology recommendations

For the Subject Concept element choose a concept URI from the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary referring to general concepts, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings, or the Integrated Authority File (GND).

For indexing in the context of iconographical themes, URIs from ICONCLASS may be used. About caveats using ICONCLASS please see the note for Subject Actor.


Terminology recommendations

In general an authority file with hierarchical structure, cross referencing, and synonyms is recommended.

For the Subject Event element choose a concept URI from the Library of Congress Names Authority File, the Integrated Authority File (GND), especially concepts for Historic single event or era, or another linked open vocabulary.

For named historical and natural events, auctions and sales, exhibitions etc. descriptors may be found in the CONA Named Events Facet. Note that a Linked Data RDF representation is not available as of December 2021. However, CONA identifiers can be used for indexing, indicated as Local identifier, pending future URI assignments.

For religious or mythological concepts from ICONCLASS, especially subclasses of 61A historical events and situations may be appropriate. About caveats using ICONCLASS please see the note for Subject Actor.


Terminology recommendations

In general an authority file with hierarchical structure, cross referencing, and synonyms is recommended.

For the Subject Object element you may choose a concept identifier from the Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA). Note that a Linked Data RDF representation is not available as of December 2021. However, CONA identifiers can be used for indexing, indicated as Local identifier, pending future URI assignments.


Terminology recommendations

In general an authority file with hierarchical structure, cross referencing, and synonyms is recommended.

For the Subject Place element choose a concept URI from a linked open authority file, for example, one of those aggregated in VIAF or in Wikidata.

For legendary places you may find appropriate concepts in the Getty Iconography Authority (IA) under the Legend, Religion, Mythology Facet, or under the Guide Term Miscellaneous Legendary Places. Note that a Linked Data RDF representation is not available as of December 2021. However, IA identifiers can be used for indexing, indicated as Local identifier, pending future URI assignments.

For indexing places in the context of iconographical narratives, for instance, holy places or places of worship, URIs from ICONCLASS may be used. About caveats using ICONCLASS please see the note for Subject Actor.


Terminology recommendations

For the Term Materials/Techniques element choose a concept URI from the following hierarchies of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, respectively: Materials, Processes and Techniques, or another linked open vocabulary.


actor type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Actor element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Actor Type-Vocabulary.

classification type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Classification element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Classification Type-Vocabulary.

earliestDate type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Earliest Date element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Earliest Date Type-Vocabulary.

eventPlace type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Event Place element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Event Place Type-Vocabulary.

genderActor type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Gender Actor element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Gender Actor Type-Vocabulary. It is recommended to index values for Sex or gender, using values from the LIDO Gender Actor Vocabulary.

For the type attribute Sex (Biological concept) choose a concept URI from the sex (biological characteristic) hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary. For the type attribute Gender (Sociological concept) choose a concept URI from the gender (sociological concept) hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the geographical entity attribute choose a concept URI from the landscapes hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.

Note that this attribute for the Place element in LIDO v1.0 was intended to qualify the type of the given place entity including natural environment and landscape. In LIDO v1.1 these values can be expressed in greater detail through Place Classification, thus superseding this attribute. However, it may still be in use alternatively or for stating explicitly that the place entity in focus is of type physical, rather than political. As a value you may refer to the TGN Record Type physical feature. This attribute could be used to facilitate browsing by administrative or physical place types, respectively.

identifier type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of LIDO Identifier elements choose a LIDO Term URI from the Identifier Type-Vocabulary.

latestDate type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Latest Date element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Latest Date Type-Vocabulary.

nationalityActor type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Nationality Actor element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Nationality Actor Type-Vocabulary.

objectMeasurementsSet type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the Object Measurements Set and Event Measurements elements choose a LIDO Term URI from the Object Measurements Set Type-Vocabulary.

objectWorkType type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Object/Work Type element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Object/WorkType Type-Vocabulary.

periodName type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Period/Style element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Period/Style Type-Vocabulary.


Terminology recommendations

For the political entity attribute you may choose a concept URI from the administrative bodies hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

Note that this attribute for the Place element in LIDO v1.0 was intended to qualify the type of the given place entity according to political structures, including values such as city or country. In LIDO v1.1 these values can be expressed in greater detail through Place Classification, thus superseding this attribute. However, it may still be in use alternatively or for stating explicitly that the place entity in focus is of type political, rather than a physical feature. As a value you may refer to the TGN Record Type administrative. This attribute could be used to facilitate browsing by administrative or physical place types, respectively.


Terminology recommendations

For the preference attribute choose a LIDO Term URI from the Preference Vocabulary.

recordInfoSet type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Record Metadata Information Set element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Record Info Set Type-Vocabulary.

recordMetadataDate type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Record Metadata Date element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Record Metadata Date Type-Vocabulary.

repositorySet type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Repository/Location Set element choose a LIDO Term URI from the LIDO Repository/Location Set Type-Vocabulary.

resourceRepresentation type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Resource Representation element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Resource Representation Type-Vocabulary.

rightsType type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Rights Type element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Rights Type Type-Vocabulary.

subject type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Subject element choose a LIDO Term URI from the LIDO Subject Type-Vocabulary.

termMaterialsTech type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Term Materials/Techniques element choose a LIDO Term URI from the LIDO Term Materials/Techniques Type-Vocabulary>.

titleSet type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the Title Set element choose a concept URI under the titles (general, names) hierarchy of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, or another linked open vocabulary.

vitalDatesActor type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Vital Dates Actor element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Vital Dates Actor Type-Vocabuary.

vitalPlaceActor type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the Vital Place Actor element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Vital Place Actor Type-Vocabulary.

workID type attribute

Terminology recommendations

For the type attribute of the LIDO Repository Work Identification Number element choose a LIDO Term URI from the Repository Work ID Type-Vocabulary.