LIDO - Lightweight Information Describing Objects
XML Schema for Contributing Content to Cultural Heritage Repositories
Version 0.9
CIDOC Working Group Data Harvesting and Interchange
Copyright 2009-2010, ARTstor, Collections Trust, Deutscher Museumsbund - Fachgruppe Dokumentation, Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, digiCULT Schleswig-Holstein, Institut für Museumsforschung (SMB-PK), J. Paul Getty Trust, Zuse-Institut Berlin.
LIDO current version: 2010-07-15: lido-v0.9.xsd
LIDO specification document: 2010-07-15: lido-v0.9-specification.pdf
Prepared for CIDOC Working Group Data Harvesting and Interchange, CDWA Lite/museumdat Working Group, Collections Trust and Deutscher Museumsbund - Fachgruppe Dokumentation by:
Erin Coburn (, Richard Light (, Gordon McKenna (, Regine Stein (, Axel Vitzthum (
2010-07-15: version 0.9. This schema version is proposed as common, single schema
for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories. It meets the requirements
articulated by CDWA Lite, museumdat and SPECTRUM.
It is a substantial redesign and enhancement of the CDWA Lite and museumdat
schemas based on recommendations of the CDWA Lite/museumdat Working Group,
community feedback and further CIDOC-CRM analysis. It includes additional concepts
to cope with SPECTRUM requirements.
For most recent information on LIDO please refer to:
Go to Root-Element: lidoWrap
actorComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Contains identifying and indexing actor information.
Definition: A unique identifier for the actor.
How to record: Preferably taken from a published authority file.
Definition: A wrapper for name elements.
How to record: if there exists more than one name for a single actor, repeat Name Actor Set.
Notes: Indicates names, appellations, or other identifiers assigned to an individual, group of people, firm or other corporate body, or other entity.
Definition: National or cultural affiliation of the person or corporate body. Controlled.
vitalDatesActor (0-1)
Definition: A description of the lifespan of the person or the existence of the corporate body, using "ca." and any other expressions of uncertainty or nuance.
How to record: For Birth and Death date attributes, record years of birth and death, estimated where necessary. For a corporate body, use birthdate and deathdate to record the dates of founding and dissolution.Although this is not a mandatory field the use of birth date and death date is strongly recommended in the case of artists. If only a reference period (not the exact period of life) of a person is known, and the event in which the person took part cannot be exactly dated, then the reference period should be taken as the dating of the event.
Simple content
Extension xsd:string
Attribute birthDate (xsd:string)
How to record: If actor is a person, their year of birth. If actor is a corporation or group, the year of founding.
Attribute deathDate (xsd:string)
How to record: If actor is a person, year of death. If actor is a corporation or group, year of dissolution.
Definition: The sex of the individual.
How to record: Data values: male, female, unknown, not applicable.
Notes: Not applicable for corporate bodies.
Attribute actorType
Definition: Indicates if the actor is an individual, a group of individuals or a corporation (firm or other corporate body).
actorInRoleComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Describes an actor with role and (if necessary) attributions related to the event the actor participated in.
Definition: Contains structured identifying and indexing actor information.
Definition: Role of the Actor in the event.
How to record: Controlled.
attributionQualifierActor (
lido:textComplexType 0-unbounded)
Definition: A qualifier used when the attribution is uncertain, is in dispute, when there is more than one actor, when there is a former attribution, or when the attribution otherwise requires explanation.
How to record: Example values: attributed to, studio of, workshop of, atelier of, office of, assistant of, associate of, pupil of, follower of, school of, circle of, style of, after copyist of, manner of...
Definition: Extent of the actor's participation in the event, if there are several actors.
How to record: Example values: design, execution, with additions by, figures, renovation by, predella, embroidery, cast by, printed by, ...
actorInRoleSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for an actor with role information (participating in an event). For multiple actors repeat the element.
Definition: Display element for an actor, corresponding to the following actor element.
How to record: May include name, brief biographical information, and roles (if necessary) of the named actor, presented in a syntax suitable for display to the end-user and including any necessary indications of uncertainty, ambiguity, and nuance. If there is no known actor, make a reference to the presumed culture or nationality of the unknown actor.May be concatenated from the respective Actor element. The name should be in natural order, if possible, although inverted order is acceptable. Include nationality and life dates. For unknown actors, use e.g.: "unknown," "unknown Chinese," "Chinese," or "unknown 15th century Chinese."Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Describes an actor with role and (if necessary) attributions in a structured way, consisting of the sub-elements actor, its role, attribution and extent.
actorSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for an actor. For multiple actors repeat this element.
Definition: Display element for an actor, corresponding to the following actor element.
How to record: May include name, brief biographical information of the named actor, presented in a syntax suitable for display to the end-user. If there is no known actor, make a reference to the presumed culture or nationality of the unknown actor.May be concatenated from the respective Actor element. The name should be in natural order, if possible, although inverted order is acceptable. Include nationality and life dates. For unknown actors, use e.g.: "unknown," "unknown Chinese," "Chinese," or "unknown 15th century Chinese."Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Describes and identifies an actor, i.e. a person, corporation or group. Consists of the sub-elements displayActor which is a free-text description of the actor, and actor as structured sub-element for indexing and identification references.
addedSearchTerm (attribute)
default: no
How to record: Has the two values: "yes" or "no". ”yes” indicates, that the term is an additional term which is derived from an underlying controlled vocabulary (eg. synonym, generic term, superordinate term) and should be used only for retrieval."no" is default.
administrativeMetadata (element)
Definition: Holds the administrative metadata of an object record.
How to record: The attribute xml:lang is mandatory and specifies the language of the administrative metadata.For fully multi-lingual resources, repeat this element once for each language represented.If only a few data fields (e.g. creditline) are provided in more than one language, the respective text elements may be repeated specifying the lang attribute on the text level.
appellationComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for a name of an entity, and its related information.
How to record: If there is more than one name, repeat the appellation element.
appellationValue (1)
Definition: Appellations, e.g. titles, identifying phrases, or names given to an item, but also name of a person or corporation, also place name etc.
sourceAppellation (0-unbounded)
Definition: The source for the appellation, generally a published source.
classificationWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for classification information.
classification (0-unbounded)
Definition: Term used to categorize a work by grouping it together with other works on the basis of similar characteristics.
How to record: The category belongs to a systematic scheme (classification) which groups objects of similar characteristics according to uniform aspects. This grouping / classification may be done according to material, form, shape, function, region of origin, cultural context, or historical or stylistic period. In addition to this systematic grouping it may also be done according to organizational divisions within a museum (e.g., according to the collection structure of a museum). If the work is assigned to multiple classifications, repeat this element.
Extension lido:conceptComplexType
conceptComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Set for identifiers and terms of a concept.
How to record: A concept describes a conceptual resource. Concepts are organized in concept schemes like thesauri, classification schemes, taxonomies, subject-heading systems, or any other type of structured controlled vocabulary. See also SKOS specifications at
Definition: A unique identifier for the concept.
How to record: Preferably taken from and linking to a published controlled vocabulary.
Definition: A name for the concept, used for indexing.
dateComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A wrapper for date specification.
How to record: This may be a period or a set of years in the proleptic Gregorian calendar delimiting the span of time. If it is an exact date, possibly with time, repeat the same date (and time) in earliest and latest dates. Format of the data values is according to ISO 8601. This includes date and time specification. For ca. and other uncertain or approximate dates, estimate the greatest possible span for indexing. Uncertainty should be indicated in the display element.
earliestDate (1)
Definition: A year or exact date that broadly delimits the beginning of an implied date span.
How to record: Format: YYYY[-MM[-DD]]
latestDate (1)
Definition: A year or exact date that broadly delimits the end of an implied date span.
How to record: Format: YYYY[-MM[-DD]]
dateSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for date information.
Definition: Display element for a date specification, corresponding to the following date element.
How to record: It is a concise description of the date, presented in a syntax suitable for display to the end-user and including any necessary indications of uncertainty, ambiguity, and nuance.Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Contains a date specification by providing a set of years as earliest and latest date delimiting the respective span of time.
descriptiveMetadata (element)
Definition: Holds the descriptive metadata of an object record.
How to record: The attribute xml:lang is mandatory and specifies the language of the descriptive metadata.For fully multi-lingual resources, repeat this element once for each language represented.If only a few data fields (e.g. title) are provided in more than one language, the respective text elements may be repeated specifying the lang attribute on the text level.
descriptiveNoteComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A wrapper for a descriptive note and its sources. If there is more than one descriptive note, repeat this set.
Definition: Usually a relatively brief essay-like text that describes the entity.
Definition: The source for the descriptive note, generally a published source.
displayStateEditionWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for Display State Editions
Definition: A description of the state of the work; used primarily for prints and other multiples
How to record: Formulated according to rules. For State, include state identification and known states, as appropriate.Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: A description of the edition of the work; used primarily for prints and other multiples.
How to record: Formulated according to rules. For Edition, include impression number, edition size, and edition number, or edition name, as appropriate.Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: The published source of the state or edition information.
encodinganalog (attribute)
type: xsd:string
How to record: Elements with data values are accompanied by the attributes encodinganalog and label to indicate the format of the data source from which the data were migrated. The attribute encodinganalog refers to the internal field label of the source database. The source format is indicated in the attribute relatedencoding of the lidoWrap
eventComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Complex type for one event related with the work and its related information.
How to record: If there is more than one event repeat the Event Set element.
Notes: [none]
Definition: A unique identifier for the event.
How to record: Preferably taken from and linking to a published resource describing the event.
Definition: Qualifier of the event, e.g. creation, find, ...
How to record: Data values to be controlled. Recommended: Defined list of subclasses of CRM entity E5 Event.Basic event types include: Acquisition, Collecting, Creation, Designing, Destruction, Event (non-specified), Excavation, Exhibition, Finding, Loss, Modification, Move, Order, Part addition, Part removal, Performance, Planning, Production, Provenance, Publication, Restoration, Transformation, Type assignment, Type creation, Use.
Definition: The role played within this event by the object being recorded.
Definition: An appellation for the event, e.g. a title, identifying phrase, or name given to it.
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for an actor with role information (participating in the event).
How to record: For multiple actors repeat the element.
Definition: Name of a culture, people, or nationality participating in the event.
How to record: Controlled.
Definition: Date specification of the event.
Definition: A period defining the range of dates. Data values should be controlled.
eventPlace (0-unbounded)
Definition: Place specification of the event.
Extension lido:placeSetComplexType
Definition: The method by which the event is carried out.
Notes: Used e.g. for SPECTRUM Units of Information "field collection method", "acquisition method".
Definition: Indicates the substances or materials used within the event (e.g. the creation of a work), as well as any implements, production or manufacturing techniques, processes, or methods incorporated.
Definition: References another object that was present at this same event.
Definition: An event which is linked in some way to this event, e.g. a field trip within which this object was collected.
Definition: A description of the event.
eventSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for events (e.g. creation, find, use etc.), in which the described object participated.
How to record: For multiple events repeat the element.
Definition: Display element for an event, corresponding to the following event element.
How to record: Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Identifying, descriptive and indexing information for the events in which the object participated, e.g. creation, excavation, collection, and use.
Notes: All information related to the creation of an object: creator, creation date, creation place, the material and techniques used are recorded here, qualified by the event type “creation”.
eventWrap (element)
Definition: Wrapper for event sets.
Definition: Wrapper for the display and index elements for events (e.g. creation, find, and use), in which the object participated.
How to record: For multiple events repeat the element.
geographicalEntity (attribute)
type: xsd:string
Definition: Qualifies the type of the given place entity according to geographical structures.
How to record: Data values can include: natural environment, landscape.
identifierComplexType (complex type)
How to record: There is no controlled list of identifier types. Suggested values include, but are not limited to the following: doi (Digital Objects Identifier)guid (Globally unique identifier)hdl (Handle)isbn (International Standard Book Number)ismn (International Standard Music Number)isrc (International Standard Recording Code)issn (International Standard Serials Number)localpermalinkpurl (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator)url (Uniform Resource Locator)urn (Uniform Resource Name)
inscriptionsWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for information about inscriptions and other marks.
inscriptions (0-unbounded)
Definition: A description or transcription of any distinguishing or identifying physical lettering, annotations, texts, markings, or labels that are affixed, applied, stamped, written, inscribed, or attached to the work, excluding any mark or text inherent in the materials of which the work is made.
How to record: Record watermarks in Display Materials/Techniques.
Notes: The assigned type attribute allows the qualification of the text, e.g. to indicate that the text is a transcription of the inscription
Extension lido:textComplexType
label (attribute)
type: xsd:string
How to record: Elements with data values are accompanied by the attributes encodinganalog and label, to indicate the format of the data source from which the data were migrated. The attribute label refers to the external label of a data field at the visible user interface. The source format is indicated in the attribute
legalBodyRefComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Reference information to a legal body.
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the institution or person.
Definition: Appellation of the institution or person.
Definition: Weblink of the institution or person.
lido (element)
Definition: Holds the metadata of an object.
Definition: A unique lido record identification, preferably composed of an identifier for the contributor and a record identification in the contributor's (local) system.
Definition: Indicates the CIDOC-CRM category of which this item is an instance, preferably referring to CRM concept definitions given at
lidoWrap (element)
Definition: Holds one or multiple object records.
Attribute relatedencoding (xsd:string)
How to record: Indicates the format of the data source from which the data were migrated. For each sub-element with data values then the related source data fields can be referenced through the attributes encodinganalog and label.
linkscheme (attribute)
type: xsd:string
How to record: Format of the source schema if the link provides a metadata record.
materialsTechComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Materials and techniques for retrieval.
How to record: If multiple parts of the work require separate materials and techniques, or if media and support are being recorded separately, repeat the materialsTechSet element qualifying the extent sub-element.
termMaterialsTech (0-unbounded)
Definition: A term to index materials and/or technique.
How to record: Example values: technique, material, implement, mark (e.g., watermark or other mark inherent in the material)
Extension lido:conceptComplexType
Definition: An explanation of the part of the work to which the materials or technique are applicable; included when necessary for clarity.
Definition: The source of the information about materials and technique, often used when citing a published source of watermarks.
materialsTechSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for materials and technique information.
Notes: Indicates the substances or materials used, as well as any implements, production or manufacturing techniques, processes, or methods incorporated.
Definition: Display element for materials/technique, corresponding to the following materialsTech element.
How to record: It is presented in a syntax suitable for display to the end-user and including any necessary indications of uncertainty, ambiguity, and nuance.Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Materials and techniques data used for indexing.
objectComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Reference to an object.
Definition: A Uri/Url-Reference representing the object in the worldwide web environment.
Definition: Unique identifier of the referenced object.
objectNote (0-unbounded)
Definition: A descriptive identification of the object that will be meaningful to end-users, including some or all of the following information, as necessary for clarity and if known: title, object/work type, important actor, date and/or place information, potentially location of the object.
How to record: The information should ideally be generated from fields/elements in the related record.
Extension lido:textComplexType
objectDescriptionWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for Description/Descriptive Note information.
Definition: A wrapper for a descriptive note and its sources. If there is more than one descriptive note, repeat this sub-element.
How to record: Includes usually a relatively brief essay-like text that describes the content and context of the work, including comments and an interpretation that may supplement, qualify, or explain the physical characteristics, subject, circumstances of creation or discovery, or other information about the work.
objectMeasurementsComplexType (complex type)
Definition: The dimensions, size, shape, scale, format, or storage configuration of the work, including volume, weight, area or running time.
How to record: Measurements are formatted to allow retrieval; preferably in metric units where applicable.
measurementsSet (0-unbounded)
Definition: The dimensions or other measurements for one aspect of a work (e.g., width).
How to record: May be combined with extent, qualifier, and other sub-elements as necessary.The attributes "unit", "value" and "type" are mandatory.
Attribute unit (required xsd:string)
Definition: The unit of the measurement.
How to record: E.g. cm, mm, m, g, kg, kb, Mb or Gb.
lido:type (required )
How to record: Data values for type: height, width, depth, length, diameter, circumference, stories, count, area, volume, running time, size.
Attribute value (required xsd:string)
Definition: The value of the measurement.
How to record: E.g. a numeric value.
Definition: An explanation of the part of the work being measured; included when necessary for clarity.
How to record: Example values: overall, components, sheet, plate mark, chain lines, pattern repeat, lid, base, laid lines, folios, leaves, columns per page, lines per page, tessera, footprint, panel, interior, mat, window of mat, secondary support, frame, mount, ...
Definition: A word or phrase that elaborates on the nature of the measurements of the work when necessary, as when the measurements are approximate.
How to record: Example values: approximate, sight, maximum, larges, smallest, average, variable, assembled, before restoration, before restoration, at corners, rounded, framed, with base, ...
Definition: The configuration of a work, including technical formats, used as necessary.
How to record: Example values: Vignette, VHS, IMAX, DOS ...
Definition: The shape of a work, used for unusual shapes (e.g., an oval painting).
How to record: Example values: oval, round, square, rectangular, irregular, ...
Definition: An expression of the ratio between the size of the representation of something and that thing (e.g., the size of the drawn structure and the actual built work). Used for studies, record drawings, models, and other representations drawn or constructed to scale.
How to record: Example values for scale: numeric (e.g., 1 inch = 1 foot), full-size, life-size, half size,monumental. and others as recommended in CCO and CDWA. Combine this tag with Measurement Sets for numeric scales. For measurementsSet type for Scale, use "base" for the left side of the equation, and "target" for the right side of the equation).
objectMeasurementsSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for object measurements. If multiple parts of the work are measured, repeat the element
How to record: Holds information about the dimensions, size, or scale of the work. It may also include the number of parts in a complex work, series, or collection.
displayObjectMeasurements (
lido:textComplexType 0-unbounded)
Definition: Display element for one object measurement, corresponding to the following objectMeasurement element.
How to record: Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Structured measurement information about the dimensions, size, or scale of the work. It may also include the parts of a complex work, series, or collection.
objectMeasurementsWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for the Measurements.
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for object measurements.
How to record: If multiple parts of the work are measured repeat this element.
objectSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and reference elements for an other object.
Definition: A free-text description of the object, corresponding to the following object element
How to record: Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: A reference to another object by providing sub-elements for identifiers.
Notes: Links to web resources and a descriptive note about the object.
objectWorkTypeWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for Object/Work Types.
Definition: The specific kind of object or work being described.
How to record: For a collection, include repeating instances for identifying all of or the most important items in the collection.
placeComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Structured element for place information
Definition: A unique identifier for the place.
How to record: Preferably taken from a published authority file.
Definition: The name of the geographic place.
How to record: If there are different names of the same place, e.g. today's and historical names, repeat this element.
gml (0-1)
Definition: Georeferences of the place using to the GML specification.
Extension lido:gmlComplexType
Definition: Allows for indexing larger geographical entities.
placeClassification (0-unbounded)
Definition: A classification of the place, e.g. by geological complex, stratigraphic unit or habitat type.
Extension lido:conceptComplexType
Definition: Data values can include: Gemeinde, Kreis, Bundesland, Staat, Herzogtum, city, county, country, civil parish
Definition: Data values can include: Naturraum, Landschaft, natural environment, landscape
placeSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for place information.
Definition: Display element for a place specification, corresponding to the following place element.
How to record: Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Contains structured identifying and indexing information for a place.
politicalEntity (attribute)
type: xsd:string
Definition: Qualifies the type of the given place entity according to political structures.
How to record: Data values can include: city, county, country, civil parish.
pref (attribute)
Definition: Qualifies the value as a preferred or alternative variant.
How to record: Data values: "preferred" or "alternate"
recordInfoSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for metadata information about this record.
Notes: The metadata information contains the reference to the "lido"-metadata set but may also be constituted by reference to an "object data sheet" in an online database.
Definition: Unique ID of the metadata.
How to record: Record Info ID has the same definition as Record ID but out of the context of original local system, such as a persistent identifier or an oai identifier (e.g., attribute type= oai).
Definition: Link of the metadata, e.g., to the object data sheet (not the same as link of the object).
Definition: Unique ID of the metadata of the related object.
Definition: Pointer(s) to other metadata (administrative, technical, structural).
recordMetadataDate (0-unbounded)
Definition: Creation date or date modified of the metadata record. Format will vary depending upon implementation.
Extension lido:textComplexType
recordWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for information about the record that contains the cataloguing information.
Definition: A unique record identification in the contributor's (local) system.
Definition: Term establishing whether the record represents an individual item or a collection, series, or group of works.
How to record: Mandatory. Example values: item, collection, series, group, volume, fonds.
Definition: The source of information in this record, generally the repository or other institution.
Definition: Information about rights regarding the metadata provided in this record.
Definition: Wrapper for metadata information about this record.
relatedEventSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A wrapper for one event related to the described event.
Definition: Display and index elements for the event related to the event being recorded.
Definition: A term describing the nature of the relationship between the described event and the related event.
How to record: Example values: sub-event of, related to.
Notes: For implementation of the data, note that relationships are conceptually reciprocal, but the Relationship Type is often different on either side of the relationship.
relatedWorksSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A wrapper for one work, group, collection, or series that is directly related to the work at hand, including direct relationships between two works, between a work and its components, and between an item and the larger group, collection, or series of works.
How to record: If there is more than one object referred to the set should be repeated.
Notes: Objects referred to may be corresponding objects or objects created to be shown together with the object in question, but also e.g., literature (bibliographic objects) in which the object is documented or mentioned forms a "relatedWorkSet".
Definition: Wrapper for the display and reference elements of a related work or object.
Definition: A term describing the nature of the relationship between the work at hand and the related entity.
How to record: Example values: part of, larger context for, model of, model for, study of, study forrendering of, copy of, related to.
Notes: For implementation of the data, note that relationships are conceptually reciprocal, but the Relationship Type is often different on either side of the relationship (e.g., one work is part of a second work, but from the point of view of the second record, the first work is the larger context for the second work). Whether or not relationships are physically reciprocal as implemented in systems is a local decision.
relatedWorksWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for Related Works information.
Definition: A wrapper for a work, group, collection, or series that is directly related to the work being recorded.
repositorySetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Wrapper for designation and identification of the institution of custody and, possibly, indication of the exact location of the object.
How to record: If there are several designations known, e.g., a current one and former ones (see: type attribute), repeat the element.
Definition: Unambiguous identification, designation and weblink of the institution of custody.
workID (0-unbounded)
Definition: An unambiguous numeric or alphanumeric identification number, assigned to the object by the institution of custody.
Definition: Location of the object, especially relevant for architecture and archaeological sites.
Attribute repositoryType
Definition: Qualifies the repository as a former or the current repository.
How to record: Data values: "current" or "former"
repositoryWrap (element)
Definition: Wrapper for Repository/ Location information.
Definition: Wrapper for designation and identification of the institution of custody, and possibly an indication of the exact location of the object.
resourceSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A wrapper for sets of resource information.
How to record: If there are multiple resources associated with the work, repeat the Resource Set sub-element.
linkResource (0-1)
Definition: A uri/url reference that is universal in the worldwide web environment.
Extension lido:webResourceComplexType
Definition: The unique numeric or alphanumeric identification of the resource.
resourceRelType (0-unbounded)
Definition: The relationship of an image or other resource to the work being described.
How to record: Example values: conservation image, documentary image, contextual image, historical image, reconstruction, installation image...
Extension lido:textComplexType
Definition: The generic identification of the medium of the image or other resource.
How to record: Controlled. Example values: digital image, photograph, slide, videotape, X-ray photograph, negative.
Definition: Information about rights regarding the image or other resource.
How to record: Use this sub-element if the holder of the reproduction rights for the image/resource differs from the holder of rights for the work. See also Rights Work above. (E.g., the work rights are " National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Instituition (Washing DC), " but the image rights are "Photo Frank Khoury.")
resourceViewDescription (0-1)
Definition: A description of the spatial, chronological, or contextual aspects of the work as captured in the view of this particular image or other resource.
Extension lido:textComplexType
Definition: The specific vantage point or perspective of the view.
resourceViewSubjectTerm (0-unbounded)
Definition: Terms or phrases that characterize the subject matter of the work as it is depicted in a specific image or other resource.
How to record: Controlled. Example values: IconClass,, SWD, AAT.
Extension lido:conceptComplexType
resourceViewDate (0-1)
Definition: A date or range of dates associated with the creation or production of the image.
Notes: This is not necessarily the same as the date of production of the resource (e.g. a print of a negative may be made years after the image was first captured on film). For the date of the resource, use Resource Date. Format will vary depending upon implementation.
Simple content
Extension xsd:string
Attribute earliestdate (xsd:string)
Definition: Year that delimits the view date associated with the creation or production of the resource as earliest point in time.
Attribute latestdate (xsd:string)
Definition: Year that delimits the view date associated with the creation or production of the resource as latest point in time.
resourceSource (0-unbounded)
Definition: Identification of the agency, individual, repository, or publication from which the image or other resource was obtained, including a bibliographic citation in the case of copy photography.
How to record: Include this sub-element when the source of the image/resource differs from the source named in Record Source.
Extension lido:textComplexType
linkRelatedResource (0-unbounded)
Definition: A reference to an image or other resource that is related to the resource in this Resource Set, generally linking a group or collection of images or other resources to members of the group or collection.
How to record: For multiple related resources, repeat this element.
Definition: A term describing the nature of the relationship between the resource at hand and the related resource.
How to record: Example values: part of, larger context for, related to, ...
Definition: An identification of the related image or other resource that will be meaningful to end-users.
resourceMetadataLoc (0-unbounded)
Definition: Pointer(s) to other metadata (administrative, technical, structural).
Extension lido:textComplexType
resourceWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for image information.
Notes: An identification of an image (visual surrogate) of the work, including digital images, slides, transparencies, photographs, and moving images, but excluding items that are considered works in their own right. For works such as drawings, prints, paintings, or photographs considered art, and other works that themselves contain representations of other works, use Related Works and/or Subjects.
Definition: Contains sub-elements for a structured resource description.
rightsComplexType (complex type)
Definition: Information about rights management; may include copyright and other intellectual property statements.
Definition: The specific type of right being recorded.
How to record: For example: copyright, publication right, data protection right, trademark.
Definition: The date on which a right is or was current.
Definition: The holder of the right.
Definition: Acknowledgement of the rights associated with the physical and/or digital object.
How to record: Repeat this element only for language variants.
rightsWorkWrap (element)
Definition: Wrapper for rights information.
Definition: Information about rights management; may include copyright and other intellectual property statements required for use of the metadata.
source (attribute)
type: xsd:string
Definition: Source of the information given in the holding element.
subjectComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A wrapper for one set of Subject Indexing information.
How to record: If a work has multiple parts or otherwise has separate, multiple subjects, repeat this element with Extent Subject. This element may also be repeated to distinguish between subjects that reflect what a work is *of* (description and identification) from what it is *about* (interpretation).
Notes: While not required, it is highly recommended to include subject information, even for non-objective art, for which the function or purpose of the work may be included as subject.
Definition: When there are multiple subjects, a term indicating the part of the work to which these subject terms apply.
How to record: Example values: recto, verso, side A, side B, main panel, predella, ...
Definition: Subject terms.
How to record: May include iconography, themes from literature, or generic terms describing the material world, or topics (e.g., concepts, themes, or issues). However, references to people, events, places are indicated in the the respective sub-elements Subject: Actor, Subject: Event, Subject: Place. Data values should be controlled, e.g. Iconclass, AAT,, SWD.
Definition: A person, group, or institution depicted in or by an object, or the object is about.
Definition: A time specification or period depicted in or by an object, or the object is about.
Definition: An event depicted in or by an object, or the object is about.
Definition: A place depicted in or by an object, or the object is about.
Definition: An object - e.g. a building or a work of art depicted in or by an object, or the object is about.
subjectSetComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A single set of subject indexing information, together with its textual equivalent.
Definition: A free-text description of the subject matter represented by/in the object, corresponding to the following subject element
How to record: Repeat this element only for language variants.
Definition: Contains sub-elements for a structured subject description. These identify, describe, and/or interpret what is depicted in and by a work or what the work is about.
subjectWrap (element)
Definition: A wrapper for Subject information.
Definition: Wrapper for display and index elements for one set of subject information.
titleWrap (element)
Definition: Wrapper for Object name / Title information.
titleSet (1-unbounded)
Definition: Wrapper for one title or object name and its related information.
How to record: If there is more than one title, repeat the Title Set element.
Extension lido:appellationComplexType
type (attribute)
type: xsd:string
Definition: Qualifies the type of information given in the holding element.
How to record: Will generally have to be populated with a given value list.
webResourceComplexType (complex type)
Definition: A uri/url reference to a web resource that describes / represents the item, e.g. a metadata record.
Notes: It differs from an identifier for the item itself.
Simple content
Extension xsd:string
Attribute formatResource (xsd:string)
Definition: Indicates the internet media type, e.g. the file format of the given web resource.
How to record: Data values should be taken from the official IANA list (see Includes: text/html, text/xml, image/jpeg, audio/mpeg, video/mpeg, application/pdf.